Percy dies in tartarus fanfiction. Settings: At the Doors of Death under Epirus, Greece.

Behind Annabeth, there was a noise of something bursting. AU. Not the typical Guardian of the Hunt story! He will either have all of his worst enemies of Tartarus defeated at Percy's hand, or Percy dies. Annabeth sat there, her hands in Leo's for minutes, and she did exactly as Leo said. So this is about the idea that Zeus found out about Poseidon breaking the oath when Percy was 6 and in a fit of rage sent the poor boy to Tartarus. " Then he turned apprehensively to Percy. From the depths of Tartarus, an earthquake that nearly destroyed Olympus happened. Percy suddenly looked even angrier and started to attack. " "Definitely," Piper chimed in. I'm a good friend of yours, Jason Grace. And now, he's going to murder Hades to find her non-existent soul. The titan lifted Percy on his shoulder, and Percy passed out from the pain. Surrounded by deception and intrigue, he finds himself drawn into a plot older than the gods themselves. Dec 21, 2007 · The gods sent Percy to hell cutting all times with him. So I ask you, do we have a deal?" Luke asked, folding his arms impatiently. " Zeus said. Percy was too stiff. MMXVIII. Pls R&R! T for a little descriptive torture scenes? very, very little. A demigod daughter of Apollo, she fell into Tartarus and died. Maybe already a rotting corpse at the botton of Tartarus. Tartarus was the worst fate anyone could be sentenced to. *sigh* Rick Riordan owns all. Seven months with all of Percy's friends and family thinking they would never see him again. They died because of me. To the south of the mountain range was a secondary mountain range that enclosed the House of Night in a valley. He remembered the old blind king who had chased harpies through Portland with a WeedWacker. "You couldn't stop it. This story will follow the same basic plot as the real books, but it will include more dark Percy. He had learned early in his years with Tartarus that the Ancient Laws didn't even exist. Percy Jackson was bed ridden on Olympus in Apollo's temple as he learns his worst nightmare is coming true: Percy was becoming a god whether he wanted to or not. When Annabeth was captured, Percy had the chance to escape, but he let himself get captured to stay with Annabeth. " Tartarus said and Percy took a step back. Annabeth was right. " I pressed my lips to his one more time. This is the story of the return of Perseus Jackson. Chiron is always steady. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,930 - Reviews: 50 - Favs: 162 - Follows: 262 - Updated: 10/20/2013 Chiron's hands shook as he took another deep breath, trying to steady himself. Leo had had some really, really rough days lately. "Leo, Percy isn't breathing we have to go faster" Annabeth said. "Fuzzy, warm, and huggable!" Akhlys made a growling, choking noise, like a cat having a seizure. Percy needed water. They find Percy and Annabeth at the doors but in order to close them Percy and Annabeth make the decision to stay in Tartarus and hope to find another way out. The hellhound just nodded its big furry head. Mar 14, 2013 · Sure, Annabeth Chase fell in with him, and they pushed through together, but somebody had to close the Doors of Death from the inside, and Percy Jackson was left on his own in the deepest pit of Hell. While he grew up she became accustomed to walking into his bedroom to find him wondering, fidgeting, or even pulling at his hair in frustration. The sight beyond was one that chilled his blood. Percy asked. , Percy J. "But you guysTartarus has to be the real story. The events which follow, none of them could have anticipated. She also swore she heard him say that he would never forgive her. The first beings to be She got months of her life stolen, her memories erased, became a (temporary) praetor of Romans against her will to prevent a power-hungry schemer, went on a solo death quest from her mom, and now is plunging into Tartarus alone, hungry, and with absolutely no supplies. Days at best and a week at worst. And he died just the way a Greek hero dies, tragically. You have chosen the curse of Phineas… an excellent painful death. We ran. Percy experiences the hardest days of his life - and that's saying something - as he attempts to find his way to the After so long in Tartarus, seeing the blood red sky and dark landscape, it was unbelievable to be sitting on grass again. Three horrible weeks later, they have found the open Doors of Death, miraculously both alive. Annabeth hugged him. " Percy glanced back at his friend staring at him with many eyes. She knew what she looked like. "Just sit back and watch my friends die? Watch you die? You know I can't do that Annabeth!" Percy was crying now, tears sliding down his bloodied face. (Annabeth and Percy escaping Tartarus) Percy and Annabeth were so close. He was presumed dead and life moved on. Camp needs you now more than ever. In early stories, it is primarily the prison for defeated enemies. Soon they were standing at the door, Percy's heart beating uncomfortably fast. Percabeth one shot. " Percy's lips turned up at the corners. He started off good, but then, one of them bit him in the leg and he killed it. Percy had given her one last request. Percy let forth a harsh scream. "I love you, Percy. - Words: 1,534 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 13 - Published: 7/23/2013 - Status: Complete - id: 9520497 "Bob and Dameson. Tartarus was the scariest presence I have ever been in. He felt something being dragged along his back. " Percy hummed as he looked out in the direction of the Dark Lands. Finding the Doors of Death and closing them from Percy had given his life in order to close the Doors of Death. The others contact the camp to find that they won the battle so they go straight to Olympus to tell the gods what happed and they learn that someone they loved has passed on. We sat there for a good minute or two in silence, waiting just in case Nico came back. Percy sat on his bed with his head in his hands. "Ask me for a more sensible gift. Percy put Annabeth down as they reached the doors. How they were both stabbed through the heart and died before Percy and Annabeth even got to the doors. Feb 29, 2024 · As they discussed their plans to journey to the Doors of Death, Percy lay unconscious nearby, his troubled mind consumed by nightmares and fears for Annabeth's safety. Hi, your name is Percy, Percy Jackson. " Annabeth started panicking. Percy and Annabeth have come out of Tartarus to join the rest of the Argo II in their mission to defeat Gaea. Three years after the second Gigantomachy, Percy is betrayed by those he loves most and driven away from camp. " Percy tried to laugh, but groaned. "It shrouds mortals in misery as their souls pass into the Underworld. Oct 24, 2023 · Tartarus, the deepest pit in the Underworld. " Down in Tartarus, Percy is poisoned by Akhlys. They're dead because of me. While Erebos is the main realm of the dead in Greek mythology, Tartarus also contains a number of villains from Greek history. Percy gasped under his breath as the ledge he was gripping by his nails began to give way under our weight. Percy Jackson however, was not so lucky. " After Annabeth and I had gotten out of Tartarus, we have both having worse nightmares. Percy staggered back as if he had been "The Death Mist is not for helping!" Akhlys shrieked. Currently, everyone was trying to help her clear out Percy's stuff from his cabin, but they weren't fairing to well as they too were mourning the loss of the Savior of Olympus. Paul was crying himself. Around the area they were fighting was a large circle made of black granite pillars. " Leo's attempt at humor echoed off the walls. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Tragedy - Annabeth C. "I'm sorry," he said before he pushed Percy and Annabeth out and started sealing the doors from Tartarus, while Jason did it from the other side. Frank ran a hand through his hair. Percy watched his friends arguing, each trying to convince the others to let him or her go. Great now we would have to fight and wait for the doors of death. This is Percy and Annabeth in BoO, in which they struggle with the crippling memories of Tartarus and try to learn how to function again. He raised morale. Well more like stumbled, as we ran we cut through the monsters turning them to shadows and dust. "I'm sorry Percy" he said "I thought she would survive" Just then Nico fell out of a shadow and spat out blood. He closed them from his side, right before a pack of monsters got him. Sure, they'd fought their way through Tartarus and closed the doors of death, but now they were dealing with the fairly large matter of leaving the pit. Annabeth cursed. When he finally escapes however, some Olympians are still keen on keeping him in hell. " Annabeth managed to escape Tartarus and join the seven in the war against Gaea, but Percy was left behind. Apr 12, 2018 · When Annabeth is being dragged into Tartarus by one of Arachne's webs, Percy jumps in front and manages to cut it, saving her from falling in just in time, but his momentum keeps carrying him forward and he falls into Tartarus by himself. Apr 18, 2024 · "He said there was a cave, that lead to an ancient place that even Tartarus has forgotten of. The third figure, his father, looked at him with disappointment and disdain in his gaze. Percy and I take small vacations to explore new territories. They later let him return. He then realized he was being dragged. "You can't either, Annabeth. . When Percy gets exiled to Tartarus for a crime he didn't commit, he gets angry. You will be able to save her in time. But before one he meets someone who's very interested in him, setting off a whirlwind of crazy with no end in sight. No one breathed, no one said a word. Percy swallowed back his fear. (FLASH BACK) The battle was almost over, they were many casualties. While Percy was in Tartarus, she found comfort in Nico di Angelo, and he slowly but surely helped her heal. Basically, an AU where Percy dies in Tartarus. Percy saved everybody but is thought of doing traitorous actions by easily taking down Gaea. On Hiatus, a very long one. The horrors of the pit changed him and he will emerge a new man. * Down in Tartarus, it's the Greek version of hell. "I can find a way around it. Nico ran towards them. There will be no percabeth in this, probably. Jan 6, 2022 · Finally Percy came over to Jason as Frank, Leo and Nico went over to greet Annabeth. Rated M for language and gore. "No I-I-" Annabeth was pulling her hair. Even I was stunned. THEY choose to sacrifice themselves and send Bob and Damasen's to the surface. Throne, even Zeus hasn't done anything wrong, technically. It wasn't fair. I failed in every sense of the word. Percy tried to speak. Percy got to the outside world and surprisingly, popped out in New York. Apr 28, 2020 · Percy and Annabeth are in Tartarus when they stumble across 11 mysterious people. trust me. They didn't know how he escaped. "Percy, we need to talk," Annabeth declared. " All of Alex's previous thoughts and doubts on Percy flew out the window. " After returning from the jaws of death, Percy is banished by Zeus for 'Killing' someone when that 'someone' was one of his best friends, to Tartarus, never to leave from there again. "Annabeth!" Percy lunged forward to protect Annabeth's back from the Arai that tried to attack her from behind. Too bad he can't save himself. No one on the ship knew Percy's story in Tartarus. I roar through my tears. Percy looked at Tartarus and his sea green eyes took on and eternal sea green light. " I told her as i was sitting in the sand. He stared at Percy, absolute astonishment radiating off of him. "I hate the gods!" Percy thought to himself as he was walking through Tartarus, absentmindedly killing monster in his way out of pure hatred. The first thing he saw was the pictures of him and Annabeth smiling happily together. The Doors loomed in front of them, big black slabs of death. I could have saved her. All credits to Rick Riordan Been thinking about this a lot, and I feel like it would’ve been more realistic if Percy stayed down in Tartarus to hold the door/elevator (forgot what it was). You see, her Seaweed Brain, Percy Jackson, my idiotic cousin, died to save her life. "Its fine, I do it too. Five years ago, Percy Jackson sacrificed himself to close the Doors of Death, sparing Annabeth the same fate. While Percy Jackson is practically dreaming on the island of Ogygia with Calypso, Annabeth Chase and the rest of the world mourn what they believe to be his death. I had been to Tartarus and knew at once it was hopeless. When Nico ,Thalia ,Jason , Leo, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel and Piper were sent down there to close the close the doors of death they run into him and see what Apr 20, 2020 · After returning from the jaws of death, Percy is banished by Zeus for 'Killing' someone when that 'someone' was one of his best friends, to Tartarus, never to leave from there again. Of course, since they came back from Tartarus, the scent of the son of Poseidon at sea attracted a whole lot more monsters, and they had to fight off every single one. "No, somehow he survived that and walked alone across Tartarus to the Doors of Death. As Percy and Annabeth came closer to the light, he could see that it was doors – the Doors of Death. There's nothing you can do," I whispered, half-hoping he wouldn't hear, "lets just let go - the doors need to be closed from within, too, remember?" Mar 30, 2024 · Percy fell to Tartarus alone. Because I dragged Dameson along with us and because I was so stupid to not realize that the floor was crumbling and fell into Tartarus that required Bob's help in the first place. This thought gave Percy enough energy to turn around and cut off the head of one monster and stab the other. He was huge and his voice was scary and deep and hollow. Anger clouded his mind and he ripped those pictures up in the blink of an eye. " Tartarus said to Percy. They were all gathered around the Doors of Death. About 7 seconds later the doors opened and turned around to look at the hellhound. , Black Widow/Natasha R. Both of them were dying, and Tartarus was killing HIATUS. It was all her fault. But he isn't gone. There it was again. As Annabeth leads the Seven on a treacherous quest to meet him at the Doors of Death, Percy fights through a wasteland of pain, torture and difficult choices. I always will. Chaos rescued him and took him under her wing. I know where he is," Percy continued, "he went to kill Tartarus's minions at the doors of death. This is my first fanfic, so please give me helpful criticism. Better to leave before someone finds out I was here. When Percy and Annabeth were in Tartarus, the spirits of the team had gone down, because Percy was the one who cheered them all up and kept them together. Annabeth died in the fall, leaving Perseus alone in Tartarus. There really was no other way. Ideas on that please if wanted. Third Person Point Of View. In Tartarus it hadn't been as bad because Percy had had Annabeth- his thoughts were cut off as he gasped. Unfortunately I can't do anything now. He held out his arms, one painfully bent, and Jason gladly went into them. But death in Tartarus is only the beginning of a new life. You have chosen, the voice of the arai said, the curse of Phineas… an excellent painful death. A short story of Their life from just after tartarus to when they get married. The others ran over. And now, this whole falling-into-Tartarus thing. " What? "Percy, what are you saying?" His arms tensed. She turned to see that Percy had burst a blood vessel on the ground and used the water to anchor himself before he fell through. After Annabeth's death - Athena and her children hated me more and blamed me for the death of Annabeth. After the Seven save the world, Percy and Annabeth attempt to heal. "It's up to us to end this. "Your sister would've done so much better. . "Annabeth," Percy whispered laying a hand on her back. The winds of Tartarus grew stronger, and Annabeth and Percy were finally sucked in. Maybe "Hello Annabeth To Tartarus. He lifted Annabeth up and threw her. "But you're dead. Green-and-white sap trickled out, collecting into pools, and began flowing across the ground Percy In Tartarus Fanfiction. And with it allies from Chaos come. His tongue felt like it was being microwaved. After the Irish message formed, it zoomed into the familiar looking camp, I feared another betrayal. How will Percy be after a lifetimes in Tartarus? Idk if there is a pairing but if there is it will be Pertemis. This is Percy's journey through Hell, where he is forced to use darker methods, and explore powers he never thought possible. Annabeth has been injured and Percy will risk his own life to get her safely to the other side of the Doors of Death. or, down in tartarus annabeth has finally convinced percy to let her take a watch while he sleeps but her hair and her longing for what she can't have (or more specifically, her longing for piper's braiding abilities that may or may not have emotional Percy's POV: Walking through the depths of Tartarus with a sore shoulder, a girl on a broken ankle, and a son of Hephaestus cracking knock-knock jokes about the doors of death was… New. I will rip you to shreds and sprinkle you across the pits of Tartarus! The gods didn't know what happened to Percy and Annabeth, they didn't know about the nightmares or the screaming but now they were about to find out, even Thalia and Grover didn't know about Tartarus, the seven and Nico didn't tell anyone (besides Chiron) that Annabeth and Percy had been down there. Apr 2, 2013 · Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase have just landed at the bottom of Tartarus when they see a small prick of light that could be the Doors of Death. Percy stormed into his cabin, his mind filled with rage. He killed Percy and took him to Tartarus. I realize the "gods send Percy to tartarus" story is kind of over used but I wanted to try it out. After Athena watches her daughter rescue Athena's Parthenos, the other Olympians come into the Throne Room only to watch Percy and Annabeth fall into Tartarus. On his way there, he had tried to deny the fact that he was willingly walking into "The Castle of Death" as he liked to call it, but there was no more question anymore. One year later Chaos throws him back into the world as a new Guardian. 3rd person POV The Heart of Tartarus Right after POV changed. Aug 28, 2020 · At the Doors of Death Percy and Annabeth make a selfless decision. Nico's POV. The other 6 and Nico are devestated, but are given little time to mourn him becasue they must go to Greece to prevent Gaia's rise. But then Percy dies protecting them from something. All credits to Rick Riordan Nov 30, 2017 · Percy experiences the hardest days of his life - and that's saying something - as he attempts to find his way to the Doors of Death. Disclaimer: I OWN PERCY JACKSON!! Just kidding. The giants bore arms when they finally closed the Doors of Death. Already, images and memories from her own experience in Tartarus flooded her brain. With that I flashed back to Atlantis Oh my gods, Percy and Annabeth would probably have a lot of curses thrown at them. The place she and Percy had saved Grover from being drug to. "Oh gods. They died helping us. He was being held at his ankles as a woman dragged him along the shattered glass on the floor. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Percy J. She thought that she had saved him for sure. "I wish for your blessing" Percy said. An old entity called Tartarus said as he got up from his knee and wincing from a wound. She knew she had to do what Percy said. May 13, 2022 · "You will have to remain in the pit for at least 7 years. Apollo's young face looked thousands of years older. "I'll keep that in mind. Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or The Heroes of Olympus. The gods send him to Tartarus, and only some stand by him. He wanted to but couldn't. Will he be able to adjust and continue on with his fledgling life or will be dragged into a pit within himself. Tartarus' new form, the lumbering humanoid figure trying to swat aside Damasen and Bob, bellowed in frustration and anger. Percy continued to scream, as the giants just laughed and continued to carve words and pictures onto Percy. Rated: Fiction T - English - Percy J. Bob saving them from the empusai, herself blind and believing to be abandoned, Percy with scary eyes choking the poison goddess, the physical form of Tartarus standing over them, and Percy shoving her away to close the gates. Percy promised that they would be safe in Tartarus with his last breath. Since Percy was back, they were in the ocean a lot more. "Love you too, Annabeth. "I appreciate your cooperation," said Percy, hefting Riptide. All that remained him was his broken lance. Percy could make the boat go faster. Perseus had, after all, helped found it. "Perseus," Tartarus rumbled. Her very existence was lost in her attempt to stop Tartarus from waking again. He still has a job to do. Percy winced and said "can't breath. Percy had challenged him to a contest, and the loser had drunk a deadly vial of gorgon's "In fact, Percy has it too, but to a lesser extent. House of Hades AU. Just that simple thing: grass. We were right in front of the doors, we were so close. Annabeth made a small movement, thoughts flying past in her eyes. Both she and Percy were still very thin and pale; their eyes were haunted with the death and evil that they had seen. " "Well this sucks. Percy is an immortal demigod, but like, completely immortal. I watched as Percy and Annabeth clung on, desperately trying to hold the ledge. The nightmares consisted of his battle against the empousa Kelli, drinking an endless amount of fire from the phlegathon, and even a rematch of his fight with a flesh and blood Tartarus. " Annabeth mumbled as she leaned her weight farther into me. Nov 17, 2013 · When Percy and Annabeth fell into Tartarus, they had no clue the horrors in store for them. Kronos rolled his eyes. The stuff the cyclops injected into Percy made the cuts feel like hot knives stabbing him over, and over, and over. The land of decay, monsters and torture. The two had been moving at a slow pace, and really, Percy wanted nothing more than to scoop the love of his life into his arms and run towards the doors of death, but he knew he didn't have enough strength for that. He had to hope they would come back at some point. I don’t wish for his death, but I feel like it would’ve been more emotionally impactful if he stayed down, but that’s just me. Mar 11, 2013 · A one-shot on Annabeth and Percy after the war. Leo's POV. Zeus seemed to give up on Apollo arriving as he had finally began the meeting. He'd just been trapped in a bronze jar by sadistic giants while living on pomegranate seeds. Percy screamed. All I need is for you to say yes, and take her place in death. Apr 7, 2018 · Percy was forced to stay behind in Tartarus after the closure of the doors of death. Jagged black mountains cover the west side of Tartarus with many easily dwarfing Mount Everest. How they vanquished him. It's his only option if he wants to make it out of this alive. His golden spectral fingers were wrapped around Percy's neck, but Percy felt nothing. Percy being back was making everything better, this war more bearable. "You stay in bed, Wise Girl. And Annabeth began to sob. Everyone milled around, still in shock. After closing the Doors of Death, he stays in Tartarus, leaving Annabeth in the mortal world believing without a shadow of a doubt that he is dead. But because the gods were preoccupied by Gaea, they didn't notice the other primordial gods rising until it was too late. My hands are tied too. "Yes, father?" Ever since those two words on that fateful day, Tartarus had become more of a father to Percy than Poseidon ever was. Aug 29, 2013 · Percy and Annabeth were fighting back to back, and they were going down. Tartarus. She sobbed. He had to hold onto hope. His head lolled. And together, they ran back into the horrible pit. That Annabeth was here and he was there. You died weeks ago in the castle. Hope was the only thing Percy had left. - Chapters: 7 - Words: 8,163 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 127 - Follows: 156 - Updated: 5/9/2014 - Published: 10/5/2013 - id: 9740675 Tartarus had killed him by laying a single hand upon the giant. He took out a knife and began carving a picture into Percy's back. Tartarus had appeared out of no where and I screamed. -Time Skip- 8 hours later What if at the end of Mark of Athena, Percy had managed to save Annabeth, but had ended up falling in by himself? Follow Percy's Journey through Tartarus by himself as he slowly finds himself becoming darker and darker in order to survive. They only had to fight through a few more monsters and they'd be out the doors. "When you guys fellPercy, you didn't even think about saving yourself. Three thousand years ago; Tartarus. What if Percy had fallen into Tartarus alone? Apparently, a whole lot of shit. The rest of the story will remain unchanged. Guarding the doors of death were 2 huge titans. The gods were able to transfer most of the important demigods to Olympus. The cries quieted, and Sally and Paul realized Percy had finally passed out. She took a step forward, not wanting his comfort. No big clffhanger at the end so you can read if you want, but don't expect updates anytime soon. He assumed Prometheus wouldn't be worried about time. Jan 23, 2023 · Dameson drew his and Bob his spear. "Percy, we're going to fall. "I just don't think I can trust you anymore!" Silence. "I assume you all know that we fell to Tartarus together, and found our way to the Doors of Death without actually dying. Percy thought he heard a voice: Beautiful sacrifices, it hissed. The Seven and some older campers who knew Percy well stayed together by a fountain that Annabeth had designed. Their arms wrapped around each other, and Jason was painfully reminded of the doors of death. It was damp from the waves, or maybe it had even rained. Sometimes Percy wondered how Gaea and Tartarus fell in love. He even baked his mom's cookies last night. Only, when he did, he fell to his knees. The Fates are not finished with Percy yet. Percy drew Shadow from its sheath and slashed the 2 chains holding The Doors of Death and waited for the doors to open. The prophecy was complete. It was these lines that had haunted Annabeth ever since she left Tartarus. They were too afraid to ask, and Percy didn't want to tell them. It would take time to reach there. Most night its her, but when its me, I go ballistic. "Could we get two orders of that to go?" Akhlys hissed. " Gasps and frantic murmuring broke out. Tartarus? I mean, Annabeth's gone to the Underworld and survived, but - "Long story. She just wondered what it meant for the Hunt. "Did the fall kill him?" She heard Thalia ask. Percy looked away from the powerful monsters he was sparring against. Percy yelled. Summary: In an alternate series of events, Percy saves Annabeth from falling into Tartarus. Percy started coughing. "Guys, Percy's done. "You! You are the reason of my death!" his mother spat, and Nico stiffened. The Doors of Death were closed but Percy and Annabeth are forever lost to Tartarus and the remaining Heroes plus Nico defeated Gaea, sealed and banished her. "What happened, I just felt a soul enter the"He saw Annabeth and stopped short "Oh no" he breathed. - Words: 630 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 1 - Published: 4/2/2013 - Status: Complete - id: 9162340 Percy himself didn't exactly want to tell them what went on in Tartarus, so he mostly told about the events on the Argo II, and if he had to mention Tartarus at all, it was vague and shut down any questions. He knew everyone was itching to hear about it, especially his friends, but they knew better than to pry. Then the day after, the Argo II had been attacked by wind spirits, and the day after that they'd been attacked by some Cyclops as they were down on earth to get some supplies, and the day after that … yeah, it had just continued that way. - Chapters: 6 - Words: 8,161 - Reviews: 85 - Favs: 130 - Follows: 178 - Updated Chapter 1: Tartarus. That worried me. And you know who else's death is my fault? Percy's. Percy killed Tartarus to avenge Annabeth, alone. Percy In Tartarus Fanfiction. At least he has Small Bob, though. Everyone says that time heals all wounds, but Percy knows it leaves only scars. Opposites attracted he guessed. Percy brought riptide around and vaporised half a dozen monsters so old that even Heracles wouldn't have recognised. Everyone believes them dead. When it was clear that he was going to be gone for a while, I cleared my throat and looked at Percy. "Kronos!" I shout "I will destroy you. "No!" Percy yelled, cutting his father off, "Dad, I love you, but no. "I release you Percy Jackson" she said "Let all your emotions fall out. However, Percy makes friends and enemies there, all while making sure that Zeus regrets the day when he banished Percy to Tartarus. Tartarus is the darkest and deepest area of Hades' realm, known as the Underworld, where the gods imprison their enemies. Everyone stepped forward, hugging each of them. "Percy and I fell to Tartarus. A single word made its way out of his mouth - Percy. Aug 13, 2013 · After Percy and Annabeth's time in Tartarus. Percy had lost so much, so much more than any person should. But it was better now. " "We need to get there fast before he dies," Percy said. Will they survive in the wretched place gaining new allies and find what Ananke has in mind for them, surviving the new evil that has risen to oppose him. They don't expect Percy to conquer the pit and return for revenge, so what will they do when he does? Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Angst - Percy J. The chains snapped after six years and Percy immediately flew out of Tartarus. Apr 25, 2017 · The hours after she swore she could hear Percy swearing to tear Gaea limb from limb, and much more vulgar things. , Annabeth C. Up above only Seven months had passed. THIS IS NOT A DARK PERCY FIC!!!! Enjoy. Percy awoke, not knowing how long it had been since he blacked out. Tartarus is colossal. Percy made the mood of everyone better. " Annabeth started, glancing at the concerned looks she got. " "How would you know?" "Athena told me this would happen if I somehow came back. After all he had done for the gods they rewarded him with eternity in Tartarus. He then wakes to find he is being recruited by a certain immortal that is older than even Ouranos to fight an enemy of equal power. Apollo, Chiron and nymphs immediately took Percy to the infirmary. Nov 24, 2017 · Bob said. " I knew he was right, but I just didn't want to believe it. LINE BREAK. "A death from a thousand poisons!" All around her, poisonous plants grew and burst like overfilled balloons. Eventual OP Percy! May 13, 2017 · Kick Gaia in the butt for me. Annabeth healed. Leo didn't know much about her past, but he did know that she'd run away when she was seven, watched Thalia die, betrayed by another friend (he didn't know who), almost died like a billion times, watched some more friends die, fell in love, got thrown into some suicide mission, fell into tartarus, and then of course the whole Percy thing. Then Percy's chest stopped moving. Percy Jackson died in Tartarus, ensuring Annabeth, Bob and Damasen's freedom. "Knock-knock. Percy is betrayed by the gods and camp, he is cast into Tartarus with Artemis for the fear over his powers or so they taught. Percy took to running through the darkness of Tartarus the second they had died. "I HATE YOU ANNABETH, I HATE YOU!" Percy shouted. Even though Percy's heart didn't beat anymore and he couldn't even feel it in his chest, it still hurt every time he thought of Annabeth; ever since she had died. Annabeth remembered the last two lines. Annabeth has to learn to cope without him, and Percy has to find a way to escape with his life slowly ticking away, everyday becoming harder and harder When Percy gets exiled to Tartarus for a crime he didn't commit, he gets angry. I am a big percabeth fan but it wouldn't work with my story. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only Aqua. Tartarus nodded and put his hand over Percy and black energy went into Percy. With an impact that was heard around Tartarus, Percy Jackson died. " Darren marveled. Perseus Jackson. Not that he had a lot of it. The premise for this is pretty basic. She felt tears burn her eyes. Mar 11, 2013 · Percy Jackson closes the Doors of Death from Tartarus' side, thus trapping himself there. Will got his bow ready and…. Annabeth hadn't spoken yet about her and Percy's time in "Its okay Percy," Annabeth said, running to catch up with me. Just 5 days ago, Percy and Annabeth fell into Tartarus. "In Tartarus, Annabeth saved Percy and her life by having them drink from the river Phlegethon that flows from Hade's Palace to the infernal pit. It would be much more convenient if you died in her place," he said coldly. Percy looked at the primordial god of punishment. The quest going the way it did, him being here, them being away from finding the Doors of Death. When Percy escapes will he go after the gods, will he go for a life of peace, or will he be a agent of shield. Either way he gets what he wants. Where did they come from? How did thy get there? As they venture towards the Doors of Death, they start to wonder can they really trust these strange new allies? How he and Bob had diverted Tartarus's attention away from him and Annabeth. "Yeah Argus is waiting. "Well, this is going to be a bittersweet moment. " "Percy is wise," Hestia stated, smiling at him sadly from her throne, "but it is time, Percy. Feel like it would make a great fanfiction Of course, I thought, he had aided Percy and Jason in the fight and he probably only just finished. He disappeared and reappeared directly in front of Percy, his hand gripping the demigod's throat. Zeus is forced to either let him die or make him a god. Together, he thought. His sacrifice had fulfilled the last two lines of the Great Prophecy: An oath to keep with a final breath; And foe bear arms to the doors of death. And even though she hated to do it. An image appeared in the middle of the room to show Percy and Tartarus himself locking blades in battle. Paul figured Percy hadn't slept more than a few hours the entire time he was in Tartarus, and he had probably been running non-stop since. After HOO. I don't. What happens when a mysterious figure shows up in the hunter's camp? Will Percy be able to defend the hunter's and keep himself safe in the process? Pertemis story. You didn't hesitate. Percy never did. Dec 8, 2023 · Percy stared hopelessly out of the Doors of Death, one fisted hand keeping the Doors held open. The hole to the Underworld will be opened in an hour," Leo called them with a tired voice. But it wasn't fair. They need to come and find us by finding the Doors of Death and then searching through Tartarus, all while fighting all the monsters. The last thing she heard was Nico shouting for help. Jun 27, 2016 · What if Percy didn't make it out of Tartarus? What if he sacrificed himself to let Annabeth and Bob live? gradually improved- #909 Fanfiction- 6/26/16 #800 Tartarus may not have changed Percy in his actions, but the night would be a hard limit for him and his best friend. With all that on top he was in despair over Annabeth's death. But then, Percy did the She could hear the sloshing of the waves below her. He was finally free. Percy was at my back his sword drawn. Now was not the time to be thinking What if Tartarus intervened in Percy and Annabeth's journey to the Doors of Death sooner than in the book? What if the only reason they made it out of Tartarus was because Percy made a deal with Tartarus in secret? What was the cost? Percy would do anything for his friends wouldn't he? Language: English Words: 3,169 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 33 Jun 6, 2022 · That just left Percy with me. And if Percy dies in Tartarus, what happens to Grover!? AAAAHHH! I'M COMPLETELY FREAKING OUT HERE! And all of this is probably nothing… Review and let me know what you think of the cover! On October 8th, I'm running to the bookstore and buying this book. I will sit in the car and read until I get to Percy and Annabeth. It felt good to hug Percy after all this time, but something felt off. The titan clasped his hand and the fingers phased through Percy's neck, unharmed. Aug 1, 2013 · When Percy is betrayed by the gods and cast into Tartarus, they expect to never see him again. "You're alive. I can't tell Percy to refuse, but I need to try and stop it. "Percy, Percy, Percy. In one of the giant decaying fields of Tartarus a giant golden lion the size of a garbage truck was fighting a demigod around the height of 6 foot 1 inch. Tartarus is also the primordial Greek god of the abyss. " Said Leo. Jason hugged Annabeth first, then moved over to Percy. Percy hesitated for a moment, glancing at Zoe's body on the ground, before checking over his shoulder in time to see Artemis groggily being helped to her feet by Thalia and Annabeth. Another thing I do is expand the map of Tartarus. "Iris show us Percy Jackson. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Adventure - Annabeth C. I sleepwalk, I scratch, I make marks, I'm a monster. The golden dust of Damasen was sucked up into Tartarus's face. He never knew that some of the sewers held the entrance to Tartarus, but hey, it's New York. Percy, depressed and broken ends up in Olympus, where he becomes Guardian of the Hunt. PERCY. All of the Seven, Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, and Leo. They would come back eventually, at best Percy had 10 minutes because this is their homeland, so they never stay down for long. Thrown from a future in which Kronos won the War, a desperate deal with a dying goddess saddles Percy with a second chance—and her two young children, Artemis and Apollo. It is the very breath of Tartarus, of death, of despair!" "Awesome," Percy said. And together, they managed to escape with the help of some of the other captives. Percy immediately felt stronger and knowledge filled Percy's memories. Percy shook his head. I'm going to Tartarus, Dad. Percy was reminding himself how falling in love with humans was not what he did like his siblings or like other deities that fell for mortals hard and fast, but looking at the stormy grey eyes and princess blond hair of this girl laughing at him , for the first time Percy couldn't remember why that rule even was . Hermes smiled still, but it was a sad one, the kind of smile a person gives you when you say that your dog died, or that you lost a friend. Despite the urgency of their mission, his friends couldn't help but worry about his well-being. " Remember you need to hold the button till it dings all right?" Percy repeated to Fred. I, Nico and Jason were the only one going toe to toe with Gaia. Dark Percy. Percy experiences the hardest days of his life - and that's saying something - as he attempts to find his way to the She missed Percy; more precisely, being able to be with Percy without feeling guilty. I am also the goddess of poisons. Don't make me go there worried for my friends. Percy and Annabeth end up facing Tartarus. It was bound to have happened. Or, at least, he tried to. She gave up her life to save him from an arrow that was aimed Dark Percy Jackson (16) Character Death (15) Percy Jackson Needs a Hug (14) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (13) Post-Tartarus (Percy Jackson) (13) Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson) (11) Not Beta Read (10) Past Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson (10) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Hell. They ask only one thing of Percy: to Conquer. Percy dropped his sword, fear plastered across his face. Guilty for dragging him here. Now 300 years later war with Tartarus, Nyx and more comes. A death holding Percy’s bloodied hand, wishing that life beyond passing wasn’t a thing. Later in the Underworld. Even if it was the sewers, Percy felt good being back in the world. I felt a bit of relief when he came because he would've said something to me if Percy had died in the battle and he didn't so Percy was clearly alive and well. Annabeth has broken up with Percy, and Sally has died. What if, when reaching the bottom, he is greeted by a mysterious being, and given a unrefusable offer. Werewolf!Percy, Time-travel-fic. They started glowing and as did his body. II Percy "I saw her fall into Tartarus. Percy was currently tossing and turning in his bed, plagued with horrific nightmares of his time in Tartarus. Percy tilted his head to Jason's ear and started talking in a quiet yet fast voice. Now, three centuries later the Doors of Death are opening again and nine heroes descend into the Pit. In Percy's Cabin. But they can't get Tartarus out of their heads. 5 days ago · When two fellow demigods, Annabeth and Percy, embark on a perilous quest to seal the doors of hell and prevent monsters from escaping, they encounter Maya and offer her a chance at freedom in exchange for her guidance through Tartarus. Three years later on the verge of death Tartarus himself brings him to the Olympian council. "A slow death!" she screamed. Now, Annabeth leads Camp Half-Blood and it's new city, forced to shoulder the burden of families' lives and a still unsteady union with the Romans. When she wakes up in the middle of the night from a particularly vivid nightmare, Annabeth struggles to connect her past with her present as she battles the demons that might just Aug 21, 2013 · My death, I could stand, but not his. I love you, Seaweed Brain. They flew into the Underworld, and saw many changes. The very air in Tartarus is extremely toxic to mortal beings. So I've got this story and Peace and Blood. " Annabeth let go smiling. " Percy tried to say it firmly, but he was too weak, "You can't fall apart. Percy Jackson was one of the greatest heroes Olympus ever had. "I can't Lord Tartarus, Annabeth my girlfriend she is…" Percy stopped by the raise of Tartarus' hand "I know her situation boy, I know everything. Percy fell back into Tartarus, his face contorted in pain. Up ahead the doors of death gave out a "ding" and closed. "It doesn't say. Percy had hugged him then and whispered his plan in Jason's ear. Desperately, he tries to make the Fates change their minds. Settings: At the Doors of Death under Epirus, Greece. The campers haven't done anything wrong. " Percy stated, as though it were fact to Nico. With instructions to help the Gods. After five years of torture in Tartarus, Percy managed to escape, but time works differently in the underworld. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Words: 3,134 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 243 - Follows: 122 - Published: 10/19/2015 - Status: Complete - id: 11568359 Disclaimer: I don't own PJO. Sep 23, 2021 · Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan. I had found her sitting in Cabin 3, curled up in what I guessed was Percy's bed. dcdmg amzcubu egyvf rmj ipkzv mamud motrn ayvdm pgbj wdjcj